Returns & Exchanges

We hope you are very happy with your new item. However, if it’s not a “perfect match”, you may return or exchange your new item for either a refund or credit note within 14 days, providing they are eligible. Any ineligible goods returned will be refused, so it’s important that you read and understand the following returns information.

To be eligible to return or exchange a Hornsleth Posters item, you must be able to answer a BIG NO to all of these questions:

Has it been 14 days since the receipt of the item?

Has the item been used?

Has the item been damaged?

Is the item damaged, changed in any way?

If you can answer a BIG NO to all of these questions, then you may start the returns process:

A) Firstly send us an email to regarding your return, so that we are expecting your item and therefor can process it quicker. Don’t forget to write your full name, order number, date of purchase and describe the problem. (PS. optionally place a photo in your mail showing / describing the defect / problem)

B) Pack the item together with your order number plus order name in a legible letter. And if you would like a refund, then write ‘Refund’ in the header of your return letter. But if you would like an exchange, then write “Exchange” and state the details of the exchange. Fx. : “Exchange”I would like (name of new poster / item) instead of (name of the poster / item you received) 

For any exchanges we ask that you pay a new shipping fee to cover the cost of reposting the exchanged item back to you. You will be emailed an invoice through PayPal or credit card for the amount and will only be sent the exchange once this has been payed.

If you don’t write your exact order number or name, we don’t have any possible way to know that the returned order is yours, so without these vital informations, we will be unable to help you, process your return or exchange.

Once you have completed the above two steps, then place the item(s) and return note in a postage box / tube, and send them to our return address at:


Att. Hornsleth Posters

Dronningens Tværgade 9B, 3sal

1302 K Copenhagen Danmark

CVR: 18753804 

+45 20965076

(NOTE :  The buyer pays for the return postage)

When we receive your returned item, we will let you know and then issue you a refund or an exchange as stated on the piece of paper that you have provided us, in your exchange. Refunds will be given in the same method of payment that they were received and only the item price will be refunded, no delivery costs will be returned as this has already been used by sending you the item.

(PS. Items with free delivery included, will be returned at a discounted rate to account for our delivery costs, incurred to send the item(s) to you.)